Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Creation: God Made the World and Everything in It!

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1

In the beginning God created. Amazing, isn't it? There was nothing but God and then He started in on the work of creation. And he spoke to bring something out of nothing and to bring order to the chaos. Oh, the power of the very Word of God! This is such a great lesson for preschoolers who are very much into the concrete, touchable parts of their world. How incredible to point to a tree, a cloud, a star or a bug and say each time, “God made that! And that! And that!” We live in a world full of reminders that everything was created by a loving God who cherishes beauty and all things good.


Gerald McDermott's Creation is a stunning retelling of the creation story from God's point of view.

Amazon lists several more picture books for kids on creation, divided by age.


A fun and tasty snack that serves as a fun way to tell the Creation story.
Day 1 -- God created the light and dark (mini Oreo cookies).
Day 2 -- God separated the water on the top from the water on the bottom. The top was sky, and the bottom was ground (Frosted Mini-Wheats cereal for the clouds and the ground).
Day 3 -- God made the green grass, the trees, and the flowers (green M&M's candies, stick pretzels, and red M&M's candies). God also made the fruit and the berries (raisins and blue M&M's candies).
Day 4 -- God created the sun and the moon and the stars (orange M&M's candies and yellow M&M's candies).
Day 5 -- God made the birds and the fish (Goldfish crackers).
Day 6 -- God made man and woman and all the animals that walk on the ground (animal cookies).
Day 7 -- God rested on the seventh day (marshmallow "pillows"). God blessed the seventh day and made it holy.
God looked at everything he made and said, "That looks good!" Now, let's enjoy God's creation by eating our snack!

Seven Days of Creation
(Tune: 12 Days of Christmas)
On the first day of creation, the Lord God made for us:
light and dark from nothing
On the second day of creation, the Lord God made for us:
clouds in the sky and light and dark from nothing
On the third day of creation, the Lord God made for us:
dry land and plants; clouds in the sky; and light and dark from nothing
On the fourth day of creation, the Lord God made for us:
sun, moon and stars; dry land and plants; clouds in the sky; and light and dark from nothing
On the fifth day of creation, the Lord God made for us:
fish and birds; sun, moon and stars; dry land and plants; clouds in the sky; and light and dark from the nothing
On the sixth day of creation, the Lord God made for us:
animals and man; fish and birds; sun, moon and stars; dry land and plants; clouds in the sky; and light and dark from nothing
On the seventh day of creation, the Lord God rested from His work of making animals and man; fish and birds; sun, moon and stars; dry land and plants; clouds in the sky; and light and dark from nothing
Creation Song
(Tune: I'm a Little Teapot)
God made day and God made night
He split the darkness from the light
God made you and God made me,
And God made the animals, A through Z
God made the seas and the dry land too,
He made the flowers and the sky so blue
God made you and God made me
And God made the animals, A through Z
God made the starts shining way up high,
He made the birds and the them in the sky
God made you and God made me
And God made the animals, A through Z
God made the sun and God made the moon, He made the ants and the silly baboon
God made you and God made me
And God made the animals, A through Z
My God is So Big
My God is so big,
So strong and so mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do (repeat)
The mountains are His
The valleys are His
The trees are His handiwork too!
My God is so big,
So strong and so mighty
There's nothing my God cannot do

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